Categories: Agent Carter

Erste Reviews zur Serie

Wir schreiben das Jahr 1946 – ein Jahr nach den Ereignissen von „Captain America – The First Avenger“ steht Steve Rogers Freundin Agent Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) im Fokus dieser Serie. Die Organisation S.H.I.E.L.D. ist gerade erst aus der S.S.R. hervorgegangen und während der Supersoldat im Eis verschollen ist, macht Agent Carter bei S.H.I.E.L.D. Karriere.

In acht Folgen – die in der Winterpause von „Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.“ gesendet werden – folgen wir den Abenteuern von Agent Peggy Carter in lange vergangenen Zeiten, die aber großen Einfluss auf die heutige Welt im Marvel Cinematic Universe haben.

Die ersten Reviews

FORBES Thanks to the benefits of a well constructed main character that shows clear signs of capability from both a personal and professional standpoint, and a series that has very clear behind the scenes support across all fronts from both network and studio, Agent Carter has managed to raise Marvel’s game significantly with its first episode…

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Agent Carter
Erster Teaser zur Serie

NY DAILY NEWS Agent Peggy Carter is a marvelous addition to the cool women characters now prowling TV screens. And “Marvel’s Agent Carter” is a strong second show from ABC’s partnership with Marvel Comics. There’s plenty of action to go with snappy grownup dialogue, and Peggy is the kind of dame you won’t be able to resist watching…

PITTSBURG POST “Agent Carter” is a welcome, interesting entry, a far cry from the “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” large ensemble and a welcome opportunity to put a woman front and center. In addition, the 1940s production design is admirably detailed and deep, from costumes to computer-generated sets and backgrounds…

COMICBOOK.COM Agent Carter brings a new and welcome female perspective to Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, and the creative people behind the series have done well to hone in on it as an identifying theme. The top-tier talent of writers and directors provides strong characters, which are played well by their actors, and fun, sometimes quite memorable, action sequences. There’s no need to wait for Captain Marvel, Agent Carter is the hero you’ve been waiting for…

SF GATE Gosh, “Marvel’s Agent Carter” is a heck of a lot of fun, and if that statement feels a bit old-fashioned, well, it fits the sprightly period piece about a female secret agent fighting bad guys and sexism just after World War II. Atwell is terrific in the title role, as capable in the efficient, unflappable skin of Peggy…

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Agent Carter
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